Thursday, June 2, 2016

Dates aren't correct but I was trying to get things in a logical order to view as my trip progressed with the first things I did at the top instead of the bottom.
This is going to be my Hotel Prius, by removing the rear seats I can add a platform for about a queen size sleeping area and have quite a bit of storage underneath for clothing, food and other necessities.  101,000 miles on it when purchase but new Michelin tires on it.
This is my latest addition for my 2016 trip out west in May and the Prius now has 115,000 miles on the ODO.  Now have a  3" sleeping pad, before I had an 1-1/2" mattress and it was really a little too thin.  I have also removed the front passenger seat and added a padded platform that can serve as extra sleeping area plus I have room under it for my Dometic cooler, my 5 gallon water container and my extra 55 amp hour battery and a little extra room for maps etc.

This is an addition to the Prius, gives me another 32" of  sleeping area  and some storage underneath where the passenger seat goes.  The addition has 3" of foam to rest my upper body/head on.  I have tried getting into my sleeping area from the drivers seat and I was able to do it so if need be I can get in the sleeping area without getting out of the car so if there is a Grizzly outside I won't have to confront him!
 Here is what in where the front seat used to be and I have added a couple more things here since this picture.  I have checked and when I have this battery plugged into the cigarette lighter it is pulling about 4 amps when charging so not bad at all, I plan on running the Dometic cooler with this battery.
This is where I can use my porta pottie and shower, I have a solar shower bag which will hang on the post and the post is adjustable for height.  I have cut a hole in the top of the shelter to get at the bag.  The Pop-up snaps down to a circle only a half inch thick or so and I can store it underneath the mattress while traveling.

The shelter from the rear with the door unzipped, sitting in my driveway, it came with 4 small tent stakes to fasten it down in soil, I am also taking along a couple of weights to sit inside to hold it in place.
Added a storage compartment for my maps and atlas's within in easy reach of the drivers seat. 

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