Friday, May 27, 2016

Left the campground in Prescott and got about 70 miles on the way back to Yuma for my dental appointment on the 26th and the "Red Triangle of Death" in the driver information center came on in the Prius!  This is the nickname that has been given to a warning light by Prius owners.  It usually means that something bad is wrong.  The last time this happened to me it turned out to be a bad module out of the 28 modules in the High Voltage battery which I repaired myself so I figured that was it again, turned out that the battery was okay.   I drove a couple of miles to Aguila, AZ and stopped at a little garage and ask the owner if I could work on my car there and he said that was fine.  Since I had taken some tools along I proceeded to unload the back of the car so I could get to the battery and finally get in there, thank goodness it was nice outside and the battery checked out okay but I couldn't get the car running again so had to call for a tow to the nearest Toyota Dealer which happened to be in Surprise, AZ about 60 miles away, Surprise is a suburb of Phoenix.

This is the little garage I stopped at in Aguila, AZ, the guy here didn't know anything about Prius's.
The battery is in the rear of the Prius and under some of this stuff you see here, I had to unload all of my stuff from the rear to get to the battery.

Here I have the battery cover off and I'm ready to check each of the 28 modules for about 7.8 volts each, the orange plug on the left is a safety plug that you take out before working on the battery since the end voltage is around 220 volts or so.
Well I checked each cell but couldn't find a bad one so I put the covers back on but then the Prius refused to even start, found out later that I might not have got the safety plug in securely?
So here is the result, called for a tow truck out of Phoenix which was 60 some miles away!  He would take me to a Toyota dealer in Surprise, AZ a suburb of Phoenix.
Cost: $277.00 Yikes!  I will check my Progressive policy when I get back home because I thought I had "roadside assistance", I did check it and I had it on the Caddy but not the Prius!
This was the dealership, Surprise Toyota and turned out it was a Penske enterprise and a beautiful facility and pretty new.
This was the customer waiting room where they had Starbucks coffee, donuts, water for you while you waited,  Since I got there late on the 25th I had to get a motel room for the night.
The Dealer's courtesy car took me to this Quality Inn which was very nice for $55 for the night. I had a picture but lost it somewhere.

Next morning on the 26th they came and picked me up and took me back to the dealer, they got the car done about noon for $615.00!!! I had called the dentist in Los Algodones, and canceled my 11:30 appointment and took off down the road for Yuma, AZ, I got about 10 miles and here came the "Red Triangle" warning on the dashboard readout again so turned around and went back to the dealer much to my frustration.
They ran the code checks on it and something new had come up, some kind of inverter pump cooler issue which  had to be replaced,,,another $350.00  so as usually happens when you take your car to a dealer for some work you can usually expect to be out about a Thousand Bucks!
They got me out of there again and I headed for Yuma and this time I made it without any issues and as a matter of fact didn't have any other issues all the way back to Florida.
Tomorrow morning I have my appointment with Dr. Rubio to get my permanent crown put on and then it's north up through Arizona afterwards.

I did get a load of clothes washed last evening at a laundromat close by in Yuma so at least got some clean clothes ready.

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