Saturday, May 28, 2016

Well this morning I took a short drive out north through farm country to a place called "Betty's Kitchen"  just had to go there because it's my wife's name!  It is just a little recreation area with a few picnic tables and camp sites.  No one was there but I did take a picture of the sign to show my wife.

Sign at entrance.
This explains the name.
This whole area out to the north of Yuma is irrigated with water from the Colorado River so lots of these canals out there.  They laser level their fields to be able to properly irrigate the crops.  
I saw fields of wheat, sudan grass and other vegetables that I didn't recognize.  They say that this area supplies 90% of the winter lettuce for the country and many other crops, some 175 different kinds.  
Also the Durum Wheat it exported to Italy because they really like it for making Pasta.  Majool Dates are also grown here and supply some of the Middle East countries.
It is a multi billion industry here in this area.
Field of vegetable that I saw in bloom but I didn't know what it was.

They have 350 days of sunshine here in Yuma, they say more than any place in the world!  And they have some very fertile soil because of millions of years of silt deposited by the Colorado River when it used to flood before being dammed at several places now-a-days.

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